King of the Hill Sounds Please note that the site is now using intersitial ads when you click on the sounds. This is to offset the high bandwidth costs (hundreds of MB per day) caused by the sounds. You'll only see 1 ad every half an hour. |
Legal statement:
Hank Hill
Peggy Hill sounds
Boomhauer sounds
Bobby sounds
"King of the Hill" TM and (or © copyright) Fox and its related companies
All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication, or distribution in
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We are a completely unofficial site, not officially connected, endorsed or afffiliated with FOX in any way.
We applaud the crew of King of the Hill for making such a great show which we all love and enjoy so much.
- The controlling of Global Warning
- dale-1~1.wav -
- dale1.wav - Now you've done it
- dalealt.wav - The Conspiracy
- dale4.wav - could she not wear a bra?
- daleca~1 - Conversation with Peggy
- grease.wav - ..you take a spoonful of bacon grease
- kidney.wav - can things disappear for no logical reason
- rmbutts.wav - it's a scientific fact that women like men with round, muscular butts
- melrose.wav - this neighbour is turning into Melrose Place
- meditate.wav - you know I can't have noise when I'm meditating
- mars.wav - I'm no redneck
- decision.wav - he is a war hero
- door.wav - put it back to it's factory settings
- friends2.wav - your mother is trying to get a better head on her shoulder
- global.wav
Global is a conversation between Hank and Dale, who as we all know is very fond of conspiracy theories:
Hank: how is cutting down on global warming a government plot, Dale?
Dale: Do you get it? G-L-O-B-A-L.........
- hammer.wav - where's the hardware department?
- hotel.wav - put some pants on
- keys.wav
Hank has lost his keys
- killme~1.wav
Just kill me now!
- pants.wav
- peenow.wav
Hank telling the kids that they'd better pee now, since he isn't stopping on the way.
- shammy.wav - My Mommy made me a Chamois jump suit
- sound.wav - That's a hell of a weird sound, it never made that before
- whatin~1
A Hank Hill classic: 'what in the hell?!'
- cryin.wav
Peggy crying?!
- lookpr~1.wav
- orient.wav
- wordfr~1.wav
I think this is Peggy when she's in Mexico.
- alcohol.wav - Boomhauer's view on alcohol
- birds.wav - Boomhauer's view on birds
- dogs.wav
- ck1.wav
- cars.wav
- chinese.wav
- cmach.wav
- cranes.wav
- fatkids.wav
- funeral.wav
- lunch.wav
- onion.wav
- seinfeld.wav
- bobby1.wav
- shaman.wav